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Our paths have crossed through a common family friend and we are happy to have Maria on board. She supports our research on Facebook and likes every article we publish on our Area 54 forum dedicated to Nikola Tesla. Recently she expressed a wish for one day too cooperate with us and her wish just came true ... obrigado Maria e un grande abracao ...

Our botherhood was paved through the Area 54 forum we now dedicated to Tesla as Harri found one of our threads that caught his interest and contacted Prof. Andy. Since than we have been in constant contact and we exchange knowledge on propulsion and fractal dynamics of powering starships or other gadgets. Harri and Prof. Andy have a common denominator as neither one of them believes in the Big Bang theory. Harri claims that the "Big Bang" is actually a spinning white hole (Penrose), therefore we have spiral galaxies and matter instead of anti matter. Harri is a very respectfull member of our community ... 

Our newest Task Forces, Members & equal Collaborators ... 


We are happy to add another task group that is equal to all founders and all Task Torces incl. collaborative groups. We are growing in size and have found our common denominator mainly on fourms and social networks. We are pleased to expand our knowldege and wisdom with the help from our friends who are our family and equal collaborators to join hands among the stars, different worlds, diverse tongues ... with diplomacy being our creed we set course for peace and prospertiy, even beyond ...

Maria Ines Coelho 

A true Supporting Friend 

"A vida é muito curta para eu tentar agradar cada idiota que pensa que sabe como eu devo vive-la."

"The Surface of the ship is made of quasicrystals and has 3 different fractal systems, each digesting different heat. The engines are 3 magnetic cylinder flywheels, around 1 ton each. The magnetic flywheel engine works as follows; Imagine 3 rod magnets horizontally on a wheel forming a triangle ..."

Harri Arvo Honkanen

Inventor & Spaceship Builder

Trine contacted Andy over our United Think Tanks homepage and we immediately exchanged our many insights on current society issues and potential changes that await humanity in the ongoing state of getting out of its infancy. We found our common denominator in the fact that we both strive to do our best in finding a way to introduce a moneyless society for over 30 years. Our talk over Skype has proven to us that we are on the same page and we are exchanging hundreds of emails to give birth to some ideas that can get implemented into our work and our research. We are proud to have Trine on board of our project and welcome his wisdom and shamanic experiences to bring that change to our world we all await. As of our mission we offer Trine all our support in his endeavour of establishing his idea of a Discovery Academy for the 22nd century. Thanks for being with us and let us do the work needed to be done for the betterment of not only human, but all kind.   

He is solid like a bone, a rock and is bridge to the spirit of Canadian wildness. He is a true friend one can always rely on and loves to communicate with the nature. He loves to to use his canoe to fish and provide food for his family. He would dare to oppose any black bear standing in his way with his bare hands ... 

"I call for you dear ET's, so do not hesitate visiting me for a good BBQ."

Dean Hammond, Bone

A true Canadian Lumberjack & Brother in Yukon Spirit 

Zaid is from Uganda and Prof. Andy's brother since their first encounter on TOE Quest where Prof. Andy was proving to Zaid that he does not have an answer to everything just by using some equations based on religious texts. Zaid later proposed a partnership and Prof. Andy agreed on cooperation that now mainly takes place on our Nikola Tesla Org. dedicated forum ...

Wayne became brother to Prof. Andy under the nick Drifter. He always took care that Prof. Andy's posts on TOE Quest forum were at the top of the discussion desk. Later their brotherhood strenghtened even more when Prof. Andy dedicated our Nikola Tesla Org. forum to him for they both deserved a lifetime and IP ban on TOE Quest. They were spreading the truth about our existence ... 

Zaid Sserubogo

Brother, E=mQ² Enthusiast & TOE Researcher  

"Humanity is at a new beginning. It is faced with a grave situation. The need for a new education and understanding is paramount. We are here to serve this need at the request of the Unseen Ones."

Wayne Fisher 

Supreme Commander of the Ashtar Command Centre & true Brother 

"Conscious/ness is a consequence of energy coordination and regulation due to action reaction. 

An action is a function of energy regulation and reaction is a function of energy coordination ..."

Sisters & Brothers in Harmony 

How blessed we are to have such a wonderful family of Light re-uniting at this time in history. I am honored and blessed to be your sistar and a Cosmic Mother here to share the Loving Light of God with all I can. Looking forward to a future that is full of God's Loving Light Shining so Bright the Universe can only gasp with the amount of Love and Light we will shine. We thank you for you welcoming message and salute your joining the day after our mother's Gaia day. 

"GOD is my FiRST Love."

Joella Bernas

Works at Prime Creator Cosmic Mother assisting All, Prime Creator and Throughout the Universe & was Lightworker.

Trine Moore 

Change Majician at MoneyForFutures Initiatives, Shaman and Consciousness Explorer 

"Aquarian Futures and prosperity development, makes majic."

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