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Raise your Frequency of Thoughts and change or adapt the News into your Favour ...


Our major concept E=mQ² dates back to the year 1987 when Prof. Andy aged 8 read his first Sci-Fi novel "Andy and the three Martians". By that time Prof. Andy was stolen LEGO cubes by his fellow toy/play-mates. Very much disappointed upon fraud, Prof. Andy got equipped with the tool how to lead humanity out of its infancy and into an era of not only superabundance, peace & prosperty, but beyond anyone's wildest dreams. Prof. Andy wanted LEGO toys to be free for all kind so that theft will be avoided forever. His wish later led to Internet, MicroSoft, Google, Linkedin, Facebook & Co. establishment. Prof. Andy was shown, how such an idea and the realm he mentions operate, so that our mission is also to share this final truth with you and present some related news we find useful to wake you up. We do not write or quote daily news, we create & desing them with the very power of our thoughts that influences our collective reality beyond the mainsream science understanding ...



People often argue who invented money. Some claim Persian traders did some say it has been around all the time and reinvented many times. Others say that they have no clue and that the world would be far better without it. Now would such an idea be plausible if we consider that all wars are Banksters wars?

The concept of a moneyless society dates back to William Morrison's 1890 book "News from Nowhere". The similar concept is proposed by: Dr. Vid Pečjak, Slovenian in the the 1961 book "Andy and the three Martians" and Gene Roddenberry in his Star Trek universe as of 1963 incl. his motion pictures. 

WASH YOUR BRAIN // Your mind is being poisoned 

The fact that we are being programmed with news designed to determine what we should think is as old as the media itself. About 9000 world media is owned by 3 major corporations that wash our brain to the extent that we belive we need to pay electricity bills, drive petrol cars etc. Nobody tells no one that all the patents for green and free energy are mainly in the safes of some wealthy individuals who wish to retain their status quo living in prosperty. 

We will help you to raise above the daily frequencies of manipulation and fear leading you into negative vibrations causing disease and mental issues.

I - ROBOT // Robots are taking over​ 

Dear ​fellow truth seekers, many ask themselves why the world is suffering from unemployment lack of consciousness and young people not getting propper education for there is no money for it. Well all is being automated, those who think that robots are dumb cans are in fact those who can not answer the question why they lost their jobs any different way than: "I heard that the world is in a deep economic crisis."


Those who travel around and to Eastern Europe will see shoping malls with check boxes being automated. They will see petrol stations without the need to employ people, vending machines, not to speak about car producing robots ... people are not owned and only used, rather misused. Robots are owned and used and the leasing trend use but do not own is being again replaced by use & own.

​beyond time

​Mar 31, 2014

​Feb 28, 2014

Global & Mainstream Independent

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