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Adolfo and Andy met over Facebook and exhanged many opinions on gravity and aether. Adofo did urge Andy to read some of his work and Andy became fascinated that Adolfo has it so correct and in accordance to our model where for example c is not the speed of light but the velocity of heat waves or electricity in our atmosphere as of Al Zeeper and his work. Adolfo is also a very hilarious scientist where one needs to undrstand the joke first yet holds an immense amount of knowledge that needs to be discussed and presented. On the link to his homepage one can download many of his great works regarding the unified field theory. Find also links to many studies about the solar activity and associated issues. We are honored to have Adolfo onboard and thank him for his trust.

Eva Maria and Andy got into a chat over Facebook that brought them onto the same denominator. Andy has to admit that he had never established such a bond to a person who was prepared to share her personal experience with Andy his. Our talks were very deep and they touched issues that are mainly tabu. People tend to be more opened to someone they do not know than to those around us. We are happy to have Eva Marie II with us as her name reflects pure wisdom, truth and infinite love for all kind and beyond.

Our Task Forces, Friends who are our Family & collaborate equally ... 


We do not select who is our friend and our collaborator, we see potential and contribution to human self-betterment in any person, no matter her or his educational background, skin color, sex or nationality. We invite anyone to participate in our endeavour to make this world a better palce for the entire human race set through cooperation and not cut throat competition. We do urge our Task Forces and those who collaborate not to impose any censorship, to speak freely and to act in accordance with ethics in management. We all should have fun not feeling any pressure to deliver some services or products no one wishes to deliver as we encourage each one of you to build his own dream that is also our collective dream. 

Adolfo Rios Pita Giurfa

Cosmologist, free Energy & Tesla scalar Waves Researcher, unified Field Theory Physicsist, Author of many Publications, History and ancient Skulls Explorer

(click for) web:  

"c” is the velocity of light, rather and more exactly, the velocity of propagation of the energy wave, which is resisted and modified by the “medium”, the other fields it encounters. Some have thought that “medium” is what they call a mysterious “Aether”, however that “Aether” it is the external force opposing the development of a wave ..."

"Beyond positive thinking is positive believing."


Eva Marie II

Studied Psychology at Trinity College of Graduate Studies,

works as Poetess 

Matej and Andy got acquainted back in 2006 in the town of Ankaran on the Slovenian coast where we were celebrating some party with a team of ICQ friends. We became good friends since and remained in contact over Facebook where we like to exchange many views on politics, car industry, women and general issues. Anytime we chat we LOL. We are honored & happy to have Matej with us. 

Dr. Naren Manral joined the old TSI "Terra Simulada Ilimitada" crew over one of our YouTube videos where we started to discuss Gravity. Our common ideas led our friendship becoming a brotherhood that saw only one future. Oness of humanity for the benefit of not only human, but all kind ... 

Matej Muraus

Car Graphics Designer, Formula 1 Historian, Expert in European classic Cars, Artist & true Friend

"The track is my canvas. My car is my pencil."


- Graham Hill 

"It is a conspiracy against mankind. We are the world beyond boundaries ... "

Dr. Naren Manral

International Director 


Davide and Andy became acquainted through our COO Srečko Amrit who introduced Erik our CTO to Zeeper & Andy as no exit option. Davide in fact belongs to the founding fathers of our United Think Tanks idea and is among the most distinguished members that deserve attention in their work presented to the public that is mainly missled by the mainstream physics still claiming that spactime bends in presence of large objects for gravity and that time as we know it on earth is the basic concept to run in our universe. Andy and Davide but also Zeeper, Amrit and Erik mainly exchange day to day issues over e-mails and discuss many ideas that lead to scientific disputes to fertilize our work. Andy discovered the work of Davide when reading about the Quantum Potential Energy in one of his articles with Amrit. Davide focuses his studies on quantum mechanics and it's interpretations, particle and field theory models, quantum geometry, quantum gravity, timeless approaches in physics & consciousness. We are honored and proud to have Davide among our collaborating scientists and are using his genius to navigate and propagate through uncharted territories. Italy, his home country is considered to be the future of physics and we know that the future is nowhere and in eternal now.   

Father Rab is the founding pillar of the Start-up Systems United that now led to United Think Tanks Self-Publishing for he picked Andy on the junk yard where he was hanging out with the wrong people who were like vampires sucking his precious energy reserves and blood. Father Rab urged Andy to contact the top spiritual and disclosure scientists of the modern era such as Dr. Steven Greer and Niko Tesla. As Andy did precisely that, he got discoverd by Phoneix Voyage project after posting on Niko Tesla's Facebook profile. Prof. Andy served with Phoenix Voyage for 6 months being promissed castles in the skys, yet Andy with his modest soul similar to Rab, performed work that was estimated at 2.000 EUR / hour free of charge up to 18 hrs a day in the summer. The Phoenix Project director Kerrie Claire Wilson, gave Prof. Andy insights and contacts to some people that did contribute to our establishmed, but also wanted to ruin it with threating us over mail to impose censorship to our press release like our former partner/Task Force member and Hollywood Acadamy awarded Film Producer Paul David Rosenberg. We are here thanks to father Rab and Andy's courage to tell anything to anyone as Rab who stands behind Andy like truth itself always connects him to the right people and tells him to beware of rats. Andy has learned from Phoenix Voyage that when a project has funding and money in play most of the associate partners either lie, are insane, lunatics or some profit makers that do not care about humanity the way father Rab and Andy envisioned it. The quote above reflects goodness in the hearts of Rab and Andy who place good for humanity and all kind above any type of profit and yet they both find time so have a glass of a good Dimple Scotch at Rab's premises where Angel Uriel resides. We accept father Rab into this family because he accepted us and are proud to have such pioneers of our ascension among us. Those People Andy met during his Phoenix Voyage assignment that was his best voluntaryship were mainly those from whom one can learn how one is not supposed to be. Latter are also precious as they accelerated Andy's idea of unity and hooking up as one being manifested in our project nowhere and in eternal now. Welcome aboard father Rab and let us sail the uncharted waters. We are not taking anything from anybody, except the illusion of material wealth as our goal is making all rich in knowledge and wisdom or sapiedelic, to better themselves and all kind. This equation is implemented into the psychophysics of our perception appratus the brain and our DNA, called the human compulsion.

Davide Fiscaletti

Theoretical Physicist, Researcher & since 2006 Director of SpaceLife Institute

"I love you all my sun, thanks for being, harmonic convergence, bringing balance, love, no more poverty, only equality, for all, take from the rich and share, or make all rich ..."

Rab Adamson

Ascension Worker & spiritual Father, United Think Tanks Senior & General Managing Supervisor, Member of the Board, Senior Staff, Andy's personal financial Advisor   

"Sorli and Fiscaletti argue that, while the concepts of special relativity are sound, the introduction of 4D Minkowski spacetime has created a century-long misunderstanding of time as the fourth dimension of space that lacks any experimental support."

Sisters & Brothers in Harmony 

In 1999, Tomáš and Andy became brothers during their service to the University of Applied Sciences in Eisenstadt, Austria. The quote Andy used to describe their common situation as foreigners of by that time non EU member states Slovakia and Slovenia, "we are all in the same $hit." has joined them forever. As foreigners we were told that we can be happy to have been granted 5% of total study places and that we cost the state and the land Burgenland about 70.000 EUR per each semester. We did not have any right to a scholarship and there were some professors who literarly called us foreigners and that we should be satisfied with the grades we get. Tomáš soon outperformed any student of our class with an average noting at 1,1 demonstraing his extraordinary genius to everyone. His name reflects ethics in business and strong sense for figures, balance sheets, company cost calculations, Due-Dilligence, Cash-Flow and other indicating numbers necessary to run any type of business. His career started in the largest Austrian organisation Raiffeisen Ware, where he started as a seeds market trader/broker. He later left this job as a General Manager of Controlling for the entire CEE region. He made this carrer in no time and left for his home town Skalica, to become leading family business CFO in his late father's establishment and production factory Danex Ltd. As our United Think Tanks Institute & Self-Publishing does not yet operate on a monetary basis we do not need to employ Tomáš as our Chief Financial Officer CFO yet that is why his position is pending. Once we will announce our Wall Street presence and go onto the global financial markets to abolish money he will jump in start running the show. We are proud to have Tomáš on board as our equal partner, co-investor and family member. Anyone can rely on him, for he will give you your paycheck on time and in the correct figures with the raise you deserve according to your performance, skills and contribution to the society. We will now teach him how to do balance sheets and controlling in the framework of the New World Economy where the main asset for a company success is not its size or Cash-Flow and monetary capital, but knowledge and wisdom accompaigned by a sapiedelic business performance with no wrong or bad investment, no risk or loss involved only fun in any endeavor that leads to self-betterment and betterment of all kind as a whole. Click his image above to get to the movie about the beauty of his home country while you should stand up to express the honor of listening to the Slovak national Anthem. "Thunderbolts over Tatra Mountains." No matter your endeavour Tom, you will always have a proud brother Andy.

"Please let me know when you will have a real work to do and not some sci-fi invention ..."

Mag. (FH) Tomáš Danihel

Co-investing Partner & Future CFO, true Brother

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