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Some References & Scientists we work with ...


There are many students in the world who are interested in my work. If you are interested in my thoughts, you should read what I have written.

- Prof. Dr. Daniel Kahneman, 2002 Nobel Prize Laureate


Dear Mr. Pibernik! Thanks for the sending of your scientific endeavor. Europe needs more researchers like you. I wish you a lot of success with your research and please keep me informed from time to time about the advancement of your work.

- Ass. Prof. Mag. Dr. Dr. hc. Schapour Zafarpour, (University of Vienna) 


Andraz ... You're a genius! Velocity TRULY does not exist because it is Distance / Time and nothing can EVER travel the exact same Distance each moment. So things are always Accelerating and Decelerating, but never remaining at a Constant Velocity. You are so right !


Andraz has a wonderful relationship with other scientists all over the world and as well is the author of numerous papers as well as multiple websites featuring forums etc. as he strives to advance the worlds understanding of the foundations of Gravitational Physics.  

- Al Zeeper, Zee, Canadian Gravity Physicist, co-Editor, Research Partner, Inventor and Founder of:


The concept of speed of thought makes little sense to me. If you mean the speed at which one assembles words into sentences, I am sure that could be measured, however I don’t see it having much to do with any “thought-mass".

- Dr. Fred Alan Wolf aka Dr. Quantum, Physicist & shamanic Consciousness Explorer 


You know no real physics and are totally ignorant on the subject as far as I can tell, however you are more aware of your insanity than is Zielinski of his. I am not interested in pseudophysics or your dreams. If you want to learn real physics fine. I can only lead the mule to water. Gravity is NOT A FORCE!

- Dr. Jack Sarfatti, US Theoretical Quantum Physicist & Consciousness Researcher who left Academia


The planet Earth is absorbing ether, but more particularly, the atoms that comprise the Planet, each of the elementary particles in each atom is constantly absorbing ether. This helps the EP’s maintain their spin and this process is converted into electromagnetism.

- Dr. Marc J. Seifer, US Author, Tesla Biographer & Professor of Psychology


Thank you for the support of my work and for taking time out of your busy schedule to write to me. Congratulations on your research paper being published in the General Science Journal. Thanks again and all the best to you for the work you are doing in the world. 


Hi Andraz, Thank you for the wonderful work you do. Glad we have connected and appreciate you sending me this link. We need more people like you in this world to educate others. Have a great day and love and light to you!

- Dr. Bruce Lipton, Best selling Author & US Developmental Biologist, Father of the Science of our true Evolution


So get this, Hameroff also thinks you're on to something. And here's where Hameroff and I agree: you may be providing a superhighway for how Non-locality emerges into Locality. Thing is, you are demonstrating a possibility for the Local side of the story, how Non-local Intention/Consciousness manifests into Local Extension/Mind.

- Lexi Neale, Zoologist and Psychologist & Stuart Hameroff MD, Quantum Consciousness Researcher


Andraz’ notable work in Gravitation and Torsional Waves attracted my attention two years ago, when I was working on a Quantum Consciousness model for the encoding of non-local information and its transduction into our local awareness as Mind. I realized Andraz had solved the non-local to local problem of Zero Point Field energy transduction using Torsional Waves, which I applied to my model of Quantum Consciousness. As a result, we decided to collaborate our findings as a unified model.

- Lexi Neale, Zoologist and Psychologist on our Collaboration and joint Integral Consciousness Research Paper


Andraž Pibernik, has a huge interdisciplinary knowledge which today is rarely. I recommend him for PhD study which will give him appropriate theoretical basis of scientific methodology and will implement his research potential of bridging natural and human sciences. 

- Srečko Šorli Amrit Nirvikar, Independent Researcher, Foundation of Physics Research Center in Italy on my Ph.D. Study Intent


Mr. Pibernik also showed a remarkable degree of courage by putting forward some of his own theoretical ideas and concepts, particularly in the field of mapping psychological phenomena to the quantum level of interaction. Whilst the current state of standard science does not offer any support for such interpretations, it is important to realize that new ideas in this area of research should be welcome as possible exploration paths of the working of highly organized natural or artificial neural networks.  

- Erik Margan, experimental Particle Physics, Institute Jozef Štefan, Ljubljana and co-Designer of ATLAS at CERN LHC, Geneva


It gives me an immense pleasure to write about Mr. Andraz Pibernik and his new approach in establishing science with consciousness. Not only his consciousness research, but also uniting the basic principles of Physics with the universal values of life is a futuristic breakthrough yet to come through his team work. His effort of networking and uniting the researchers from the various parts of the world is his great achievement.


His research and compiled work on Pushing Gravity, Torsional Waves and Non-Local Consciousness Research papers are remarkable developments and give new insights into Science. What I find in his research has various applications that range and have their origin not only in Physics, but also in quantum Biology which the future will validate some day.


The way he explains his work to all people comes in his contact through various social media and networking platforms irrespective of whether someone belongs to science or non-science background. Andraz has that perfection to unite Science with Art which I find as his unique extraordinary quality in imparting and sharing knowledge.

- Dr. Narender S. Manral, International Director, Make Me Enlightened Pvt. Ltd. on our Collaboration



Participating Scientists in personal or with their YouTube Lectures (click images for more information)


Mr. Prof. Dr. Štefan Bogdan Šalej (worldwide)

Mr. Alan Zeeper, Zee

Mr. Erik Margan (Ljubljana, Slovenija) Institute Jožef Stefan

Mr. Prof. Dr. Daniel Kahneman (Princeton, USA) 2002 Nobel

Mr. Dr. Quantum, Fred Alan Wolf, Ph. D. (San Francisco, USA)

Mr. Dr. Jack Sarfatti (San Francisco, USA)

Mr. Prof. Dr. Walter H. G. Lewin (MIT USA)

Mr. Prof. Dr. Marc J. Seifer (New England, USA)

Mr. Rodney Kawecki, Ph. D. (California, USA)

Mr. Amrit Šorli (Foundation of Physics Research Center)

Mr. Prof. Dan Winter

Mr. Prof. Dean Keith Simonton

Mr. Prof. Dr. Anton Zeilinger (Technical University of Vienna)

Mr. Dr. Bruce Lipton and his assistant Sally

Mr. Tom Campbell

Mr. Drunvalo Melchizedek

Mr. David Icke

Mr. Gregg Braden

Mr. Prof. Stephan W. Hawking and his assistant Sam Blackburn

Mr. Stuart Hameroff, MD

Mr. Prof. Sir. Roger Penrose

Mr. Prof. Dr. Karl Pribram

Mr. Prof. Leonard Susskind

Mr. Prof. Nick Bostrom

Mr. Prof. Dr. Michio Kaku

Mr. Prof. Jacob Bekenstein

Mr. Prof. William George Unruh

Mr. Prof. Owen Gingerich

Mr. Prof. Max Tegmark

Mr. Dr. John C. Mather Nobel Prize Laureate 2006

Mr. Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov

​Mr. Roger J. Anderton

​Mr. Lexi Neale

Mr. Dr. Narender S. Manral

Mr. Uri Geller 

Mr. Deepak Chopra, MD

Mrs. Prof. Lisa Randall

Dr. Fred Alan Wolf

aka Dr. Quantum

Dr. Jack Sarfatti

Physics of Consciousness

Prof. Dr. Marc J. Seifer

Nikola Tesla Biographer

Dr. Bruce Lipton

Best selling Author

Prof. Stuart Hameroff MD

Anesthesiologist & Researcher of Consciousness 

Intellect & Wisdom

Prof. Dr. Daniel Kahneman

2002 Nobel Laureate

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