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Generations of Scientists dumbed down by the relativistic corrections in Physics ...


Press release: May 4th, 2014, powered by & Wow Go Here . com


Dear fellow truth seekes, 


For those who love equations and truth! We can add some insights that could help you calculate with Planck to extasis, now it will give answers to many things, yet not to everything.


The issue of 1/sqrt(a)! in the E=mQ² or E=mc^4 equation, latter was Einstein's first concept before he went down to c².


To clarify the term, see the snapshot attached form my dissertation and professorship where I have two greatest geniuses as my academic tutors.


1=c and 1= heat wave velocity (normalized to 1 on Planck scale) as they have different velocity on the interplanetary level for each atmosphere, due to planet's reference star orbit time Z and planets gravity acceleration A. (the work of Zeeper)


Sqrt or square root must be the relativistic non-sense to keep c^4 down to c² for the sheeple and cattle not to freak out. Why a double Planck Charge 2Q if Planck is wrong and Zee has it correct?


Anytime we use relativistic corrections we dumb ourselves down. Once we remove sqrt we have pure Force or Coulomb Q! So E=Q Energy is Force over Distance or E=m x a x l, Heat wave v = A x Z for each planet, so it has not sense to measure time out there, Amrit/Fiscaletti/Zeeper are correct again.


Tesla was not dumb as double Charge / double Current is numerical order of motion or change in 3D (time) in Planck terms.


Mainstrem physics needs Tesla/Zeeper/Margan/Amrit/Fiscaletti/Andy's dynamic corrections & a Abraham/Blankenship Tetryonic Geometry approach. 


See: (page 21, see also page 33)


Best wishes, as you can see Prof. Andy has calculated Planck into extasis at brain asserted on 110% capacity, do not do that at home as the feeling of transformational relativistic discharge is similar to orgasm. Cigars, and bunny rabbits for eveyone!


We dedicate this press release to our founding institute Terra Unida, Stuart Hameroff & Sir Roger Penrose (snapshot attached)

Mind Poisoning & Control

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