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Prof. Andy on Easter Holidays and Truth about John Lennon 


Press release: April 19th, 2014


Dear fellow truth seekes, 


we feel compelled to tell you stories you would not find in the mainstream media and news papers. Prof. Andy and many have figured it a long time ago that the cure for world peace is written in the lyrics of the songs that had already been recorded. Right now whole Christianity is in deception and illusion of the need to suffer in order to get to a better world. Our sources have proven that the whole Jesus story is a legend that was made up around AD 300 together with Constantine the son of Helen to control masses. The legend say that Jesus was crucified on his wish for he took on the sins of the entire humanity telling his father God, please forgive them, they do not know what they are doing. A 1500 years old bible found has proven no record of curcifixion and Assyrian and Babylonian texts talk about Ishtar for Easter being a holiday of love, sex and women's fertility, both represented by bunny rabbits and eggs as women's ovum. 


Was John Lennon a modern Jesus. Yes, according to the legend Jesus influenced and polarized masses. So did John in times where the US arms lobby was sending boys to Vietnam so that new weapons and bombs bursting in the air were tested on not only military but also civilian targets. Same goes for USSR and others so that Lennon's ideas posed threat to both East and West.


Give Peace a Chance and Imagine talk about the world US Government and many others know about, for they by now must have been informed that we live in a simulated game where there is a realm with no war, no hell, no posessions, no countires and where anything imagined already exists. Where one gets any basic and matrial need satisfied by the use of devices such at Thinknet, advanced Replicators and Blinkporters, latter deliver any item and person to any spatial and temporal dimension at the speed of thougth which is infinite according to the inventor of the mentioned technology Nikola Tesla. 


We wish to send this press release out to the world to embrace and surface the truth about insane and pedophile Christian priests, psychotic world government leaders, paranoid bankes and associated managers, politicians and lunatics in the arms, pharma industry & psychiatric treatement. It has been said that if Jesus would be around today, preaching about the promissed land and organizing some last supper, washing feet, he, incl. both prophets Muhammed and Buddha would all be administered to a pychiatric hospital for an immediate treatment of some mental disorder, illness or disease. 


John Lennon and his truth are recorded on the holodeck and computer that runs this simulated reality and will be revealed to us together with other mysterious deaths such as JFK, princess Diana, Ivan Kramberger and many more. 


Those who did it walk around and can not sleep well. In fact what they did was either an order by the rats on the top of the food chain, however this rats are more important than any charity or humanitarian worker for it is the scumbags and those whom we perceive to be bad for the society who will accelerate our game to the final state. Finally plug will be pulled from this holodeck or reality show. (click the image below to hear the truth from John Lennon)


We dedicate this press release to his wife; Yoko Ono

Masses Control & Manipulation 

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