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Al Zeeper has a simple Solution to Einstein's Dreams; Grand Unification ...


Press release: April 26th 2014


Al Zeeper eventually finished the work of Einstein and Tesla by stating that (1) E=mA²Z² deriving this equation as a product of:


(2) A=Earth’s Gravity Acceleration and Z=Earth’s Orbit Time (Exact Lunar Year)


Direct link to Zeeper's research facility:


This amazing discovery led to the most desired Grand Unification of Gravity and Electricity, something Einstein was looking for the last 20 years of his life.


We can observe a very simple solution to the combination of Energy, Gravity and Electromagnetism once (1) E=mA²Z². One good example for calculating Earth’s Magnetic Field in Teslas shows that (3) Tesla = 1/AZ or one over earth's velocity.


Zeeper proved this fact using this example: According to Wikipedia, the recorded magnetic field of the earth is 0,00003 Teslas (Wikipedia - 3.1×10−5 Teslas is the strength of earth's Magnetic Field on the equator, 0° latitude.)


From we see that the Tesla is equal to 1/AZ or 1 / Velocity. The scientific community doesn't know this yet because they are still unaware that the Volt = Distance = Circumference. The Volt is equal to the Circumference of any energy sphere. The earth is moving through space at 30,689.1802374659 m/s. When you divide 1 by that velocity (1/AZ) you get the exact Magnetic Field of the earth = 0,00003 Teslas.


Zeeper is right now engaged into proving that the solar mathematics is very simple and is not adapting any units for his calculations as he is using pure mathematics to prove his claims. One of his major findings that needs to be mentioned is that he has proven what has been hidden to us since the 1960s. The speed of light is not constant on the interplanetary level. Zeeper proved that with calculating the speed of light on Mars at: 185.350.924,030313 m/s.


Furthermore Zeeper has also proven that NASA is wrong in Mars Gravity Acceleration by 0,6 m/s².


Zeeper’s latest contribution to better understanding of the solar math has been done with this collection of monumental equations pertaining to Earth and Gravity: See:


All Alan Zeeper equations and calculations prove what Tesla had postulated. Gravity is absolutely the pressure of space upon the earth. In other words Gravity is the pressure of the Aether surrounding the earth. Why does the mainstream science stuck in Gas/Light era not recognize the work of Alan Zeeper?


Our scientists and physicists are still claiming that Gravity is the cause of large body masses attracting themselves and curvature of space according to Newton and Einstein? Alan Zeeper stated many times that billions if not trillions of U$ and EUR are thrown away in transport, surface, water and aerial transport because of this wrong definition of Gravity


According to Zeeper one needs to be sure to understand that space (the ether) is an ocean of quantum elastic mass. Hence, please do not use the Michelson-Morley results as any sort of opposition to this reality due to the fact that the ether is a Pressure that surrounds and "moves with" the earth and is therefore not detectable. This Pressure surrounding the earth is the very origin of "all" Electricity upon the earth. When a magnet is run through a coil, it causes an expansion within the elastic ocean of quantum-mass surrounding the earth. Then when any electrical connection is made, the Pressure of space contracts back to its natural place as it pushes free electrons along any given conductor and the result is - Electricity.


The fact that the planets below are kept in their orbit via their individual Densities is verified even further by the mathematical definition of energy. The equation (1) E=mA²Z² is energy coming off of the sun. Mathematically that is equal to Heat² x Distance x Density, which coincides exactly with what the physical galaxy portrays. Between the sun and planets is Heat² which exists over a Distance ending in the Density placement of each planet. (click the image below to see solar systems moving throu

Al Zeeper & Grand Unification

According to Zeeper, the hydrogen and oxygen of our Atmosphere are simply finer "mediums" that permeate the same hydrogen and oxygen of ocean Water (H2O). The above image shows us how electrical-mass is also likewise the finer medium that permeates both the earth's atmosphere as well as the oceans. Whenever we walk through the medium of water, we are able to both see and feel that medium. Yet when we walk through the medium of air we can only feel that medium. However when we walk through the medium of electrical-mass space, we can neither feel nor see this medium but you can rest assured it is most certainly there, pushing us down onto the earth.


Zeeper has also proven that Gravity produces time which was defined as a numerical order of change or motion in 3D by my fellow researcher Amrit Šorli. Zeeper states that because the ocean of electrical-mass that surrounds the earth is what drives the earth's orbit while also being the origin of Gravity, we can easily then see how a connection exists between Time and Gravity. Time is more specifically defined by motion. Combusting stars in the universe create the (Pressure x Volume) of space which is also equal to the (Mass x Velocity²) of earth orbiting. Hence we can see the exact reason why each and every method of producing Time on earth contains a direct connection to Gravity.


To close this Alan Zeeper part of discovery I wish to add some of his monumental words on the 5th anniversary of this amazing discovery that proves Zeeper being the father of the Grand Unification of Gravity and Electromagnetism.


Electricity (mA²Z²) divided by one dimension (AZ²) equals the Coulomb (mA). Electricity divided by two dimensions (A²Z^4) equals the Farad (m/Z²). Both the Coulomb and the Farad divided by the dimension that they exist upon (Area, Distance) is equal to the Pressure (m/AZ^4) of electricity, the pressure of gravity, the pressure of electrical-mass that surrounds the earth.


Coulomb (mA) / Area (A²Z^4) = the 3-dimensional Pressure (m/AZ^4) of electricity. Farad (m/Z²) / Distance (AZ²) = the 3-dimensional Pressure (m/AZ^4) of electricity. Electricity is the direct result of the volumetric contraction of the elastic fabric of electrical-mass that surrounds the earth. This quantum fabric of space becomes expanded when a Capacitor is charged, and as it contracts it pushes free electrons along any conductor. This fabric of space composed of Higgs-Bosons is also know as the ether, the same ether that was not detected by Michelson and Morley due to the fact that it moves "with" the earth through space. For more information about Zeeper’s discovery please visit his homepage: (click the newspaper below to listen to one of Al Zeeper's videos)

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