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We do not work only with the best scientists, but also Nobel Prize Laureates and visionaries, healers, inter-dimenisonal explorers. Our work has led not only to Grand Unification done by Al Zeeper, but also to full exploration of the micro-cosmos and consciousness that could only be done by seeing the interdimensional realms through an astral holographic projection and with the use of the concept of Kahneman & Tversky's Prospect Theory that now became a science of wish fulfillment. Prof. Andy has joind a descriptive decision making concept with Hermann & Bauer's marketing tool for bundling prices to develop a how to singularity or Novelty mechanism and a mental time machine that will help one adapt past events and present them into one's favour in any present or future time. (pease scroll down for our next distinguished and collaborative partners)

Nobel Laureates & Visionaries 

Prof. Andy and Tony came into contact over Facebook yet did not speak for a while until Andy decided to talk to Tony over Skype and wish him a happy birthday in a more personal way. Tony and Andy very soon found a common denominator reagarding higher dimensions and different worlds on different frequencies, astral travel and projections. Tony was fascinated upon Prof. Andy's openness and the quote above confirms that both have similar experiences and even agreed on death being an illuison and a transition to the next stage of reality. Prof. Andy could ask Tony many issues that were unclear to him and Tony always provided an answer. They both share some same friends and fellow teachers, researchers like Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Fred Alan Wolf. Tony developed and practiced three healing technologies: Light Body Healing, Transformational Workout, Belief System Restructuring and started to practice Merkaba Activation Meditation, which he learned from Drunvalo Melchizedek - Together the practice of these technologies strengthen the body, clear and focus the mind, restore and maintain coherence in the energy fields and raise one’s frequency - opening up new expanded fields of perception - he calls these four technologies Metatron Ascension Technology. began to see energy fields and this confirmed his theory that all life and all things were connected and really One - aspects of the All - this significantly shifted his understanding and he began working in the energy fields of his chiropractic patients as well as addressing the distortions and fixations in their physical body, teaching and encouraging exercise, teaching them how to free themselves of their limiting mental programing, and clear their own energy fields - essentially teach them how to heal themselves - the only true healing. Tony also met with Hopi Elder Grandfather Gashweseoma who taught him the Hopi Prophecies, the journey of the Hopi Nation from living beneath the Earth to being granted permission of once again living on the surface of the Earth - and their prophecies of the “End Times” and the coming of the New Age and creation of the “New World.”In the same month he visited the Yankton Sioux reservation in Marty South Dakota at the invitation of Standing Elk, head chief of the Sioux and there went through the ceremonies and tests that made him a Pipe Carrier for the Sioux and was granted the Teaching Feather in the Twelfth Altar of the Sioux Spiritual Path. Tony met his first extraterrestrial when he was 7 years old, a 7 foot “Red Bird Man,” who identified himself as a bio-geneticist from the Central Sun and said it was interesting to see his old mentor as a young Earth child, said he must be very lonely here and advised him to be patient and assured him that in time he would meet more like himself. In 1993 he had a face to face meeting with the Zeta Reticuli, which open up a new dimension of understanding. Over the years Tony has had many inter-dimensional experiences, meeting ancestors, beings known as Angels and Ascended Masters, extraterrestrials, inter-dimensional beings, and has come to understand the multi-dimensional nature of reality and of his being - in other dimensions they do not know him as Dr. Tony. We are very proud to know Dr. Tony here in our dimension and to have him on-board. We thank him for being with us and he enjoys our full support in his work. 

Prof. Andy was contacting Prof. Dr. Daniel Kahneman for over 4 years since 2002 to get his e-mail answer in 2006 and the above quote for his master of science thesis of 2006 where Andy implemented the concept of Prospect Theory into a model of sales promotion with financial and non-financial incentives. Prof. Andy tried all possible tricks just to get the honor of an answer from Kahneman who got awarded a Nobel Prize for his co-work on Prospect Theory with Amos Tversky in 2002. Andy did not give up hope and knew that he has to insist in order to get Kahneman's attention. In 2006 Andy decided to order and buy Kahneman's book "Choices, Values and Frames" that is according to Andy's opinion thee book that one never stops reading for one discovers new concepts every day or time when reading. According to late Amos Tversky the concept of Prospect Theory is so interesting that it takes a reader out into the field to design small games and test sevear entitites on their reaction. Tvesky had a premise saying to Kahneman, Daniel let us take what the terrain gives. Prof. Andy upgraded the basics behind the Prospect Theory with simulation aspects and Quantum Mechanics to get a perfect model and an operating E=mQ² equation. The last e-mail answer from Kahneman came in 2009 when Prof. Andy tried to expalin to him how he is using the descriptive concept for prescriptive means, yet Kahneman did not fully understand and grasp the magnitude of the discovey as he later retired and Andy decided to inform him about his activities over his former University assistant Debbie and directly to his e-mail. Prof. Andy is sure that a Professor like Kahneman never fully retires and always reads feedback from his students and those who read his work and his thoughts. We are proud to have Prof. Dr. Daniel Kahneman on-board and we thank him for beeing the main pillar of our Prospect Theory combined with E=mQ² based truth service establishment.  

Dr. Tony Minervino


Founder: The Healing Business 

Branch: Healing, Consciousenss, Ascension & Mastery


"We are on the same page."

"There are many students who are interested in my work. If you are interested in my thoughts you should read what I have written."

Prof. Dr. Daniel Kahneman


Professor of Psychology & Public Affairs, Nobel Lraureate

Branch: Cognitive Psychology & Behavioral Economics

(click for) web:

Our Collaboration is our Legacy

Mathematician Stephen J. Crothers tells us how he was expelled from the University of New South Wales and gives many examples of the suppression of science. In his latest research he defines why not much has changed since Stephen Hawking's recent 'revelation' in his 4-page paper in Nature. Stephen was a featured speaker on the Electric Universe 2014 Conference; 'All About Evidence' in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He has a nose for dogma and fights battles only few know anything about. We have a great respect for his effrot to bring the truth about the cental dogmas that govern modern physics to the very surface and we are truly proud to have him on board as an equal partner. This time Stephen was the first to contact Andy as we simply received one of his e-mails and presume Stephen read or found us on viXra where Prof. Andy published much of his scientifci material. Since than Andy and Stephen are in an instant contact via email where Andy is showing his full support for the battles Stephen is combating in the name of science and its constant persuit for the final truth, not only for human, but for all kind. If you click Stephen's image above you can listen to one of his latest videos. Welcome aboard Commander. Here we are all one and we all enjoy our family support that is now giving birth to a movement bringing that change human & all kind wishes and dreams about to see it happening nowhere.  

Stephen J. Crothers


Founder: Plasmaresources

Branch: Mathematician & fights Dogma in Physics 


"It is very easily proven that the black hole and the big bang contradict one another and so they are mutually exclusive. All alleged black hole solutions to Einstein's field equations pertain to universes that are spatially infinite, are eternal, contain only one mass, are not expanding, and are asymptotically flat or asymptotically curved ..."

Prof. Andy and Mike got acquainted during Andy's assignment at Phoenix Voyage where Andy was asked to deliver a report on one of Mike's most profound and interesting discoveries in the wind energy. Andy consulted our CTO Erik Margan and delivered state of the art report for Mike that earned Andy the honour to get to know Mike more personally over a longer Skype talk. We both remained in contact and as we found a common denominator in glider pilot issues, aerodynamics, many energy equations, Zeeper's pushing model of gravity and our view on life we became friends. Andy even had Mike in his thoughts on April 5th, 2014 while establishing this site by presenting to him the core ideas of our assembly and collaboration purpose in a short email. Prof. Andy is proud to present Mike as our equal Task Force member and our partner who is promoting common values, values of human and all kind. Michael Waters is an advanced technology consultant, researcher, inventor and sustainable recovery strategist. He has previously owned businesses in, designed and built: multi-axis robotics, adaptive manufacturing systems, experimental aircraft, custom homes, portable housing systems. Michael's automated disaster recovery and library preservation systems are used worldwide at institutions such as the Library of Congress, the National Archives and the Russian Academy of Sciences, instrumental in recovery of the worst library fire disaster of the last century. In the last twelve years Michael has researched cutting edge science and technologies that redefine current understandings in mainstream physics. He has established a large collaborative network of researchers and breakthroughs that profoundly affect fields of energy, mining, health, food, water, transportation, housing, sustainable economics and environmental recovery. The purpose of this research has been to discover causes of and solutions for the increasing number of global crises we now face. A primary focus has been energy R&D, working with a diverse group of breakthroughs that combined, uncover new understandings in physics. These discoveries also explain why current global business and environmental models are fundamentally unsustainable. Michael is currently on the board of a number of organizations involved in advanced energy, mining, agriculture and finance and directly involved in developing several paradigm shifting energy breakthroughs. Michael's inventions span diverse fields including energy, robotics, fluidics, conservation, aviation and housing. Mike is thee person our Flagship needs to steer our vessel to where no one has gone before. Let us spread the sails and show not only human, but all kind that we are ready for the challenge to abolish cut-throat competition and start collaborating to better ourseves for any of us is percious beyond what we all can yet conceive. May these thoughts remind us of the fact that our most profound discoveries are not necessarily beyond that next star, they are within us, woven into the threads that bind us nowhere and in an infinite and eternal now. (click Mike's image for his video)

Michael Waters


Founder: Breakthrough Energy Movement

Branch: Research, Inventor & sustainable Recovery Strategist

(click for) web:

"Our basic understanding of energy is fundamentally flawed. 100% energy efficiency is not a rational barrier in a universe composed of energy ..."

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