immediate. free of charge. professional & no remission
When you are in a state of awakening your surrounding family, close friends and co workers will conclude that you went crazy. What truly happens is that your mind and brain coherence are experiencing an accelerated increase in consciousness size. The average consciousness size today is at about the size of a golf ball. This means that people have a golf ball sized awareness, understanding & wakefulness. You are not crazy, you just reached the limit where a 90 hour work day led your brain to produce a sufficient amount of DMT to start an activation of your cosmic antenna so that you are now in two worlds at the same time. When you tell your shrink what you see, you will be administered to a mental institution and loaded with medication that will help you to forget your name and address. We have a different approach. Note that the delusional halucinations are not an illusion, they are true. Tell us what you see, we can help you to understand it and live with it. In this case you will never need to be on any medication for lifetime.
Your personal records are safe with us – Prof. Andy swore to serve science with his 2006 MSc. and though not having a medical diploma he is under Hippocratic Oath.
The druation of each session should not take longer than 10 minutes. Prof. Andy did explore the micro-cosmos and knows how to read peoples mind. The healing process is not guaranteed if participants fall into psychotic states that need urgent medical attention, when they harm themselves or others or attempted a suicide. Such a behavior needs hospitalisation in the nearest psychiatric hospital.
Prof. Andy is a specialist on a psychosocial rehabilitation training having workd in a centre for psychosocial rehabilitation in a mental institution. Prof. Andy will not give you dwarfs to paint them or some toys to put together, but will push on you hard to get your cognitive functions and concentration with memory back through the use of lectures on the truth about the world we live in.
We are not teaching you theology, yet will prove to you that the more you believe in God the more you distance yourself from your true self who went beyond Godlike in the realm many can not yet conceive. According to New World Economy, new eductation will follow where one will have to combine knowledge from all disciplines to be able to fully function in a society based on self-betterment and no dogma.
We will have you tested how you react to being exposed to multiple cognitive dissonances. They occure when your beliefs do not correspond the common belief and you seek an excuse for an act such as buying a very expensive car although the old one was ok. We will teach you that you should accept all for granted and for correct where there is no wrong or false, bad or good, no hell and no devil.
You will imagine how it would be if you would turn of your transceiving antenna called brain. Our brain only receives & sends signals, our mind perceives what had already happened and our true self concieves. We will show you the truth behind reality that is a dark matrix full of heat and torsion waves which create an illusive image of this world incl. solidity once these waves are translated by our brain.
This is the most important session that will let us improve the quality of our services and lead our research beyond the conventional psychiatry that is run by the pharmaceutical companies and some shrinks who say that chemical imbalance is the cause of mental disease. We want you to experience thee sapiedelic trip of your lifetime. You will never ever call
us again, except for some great beer &
BBQ party.
Not only Nikola Tesla the greatest inventor and humanitarian of all times, but also Max Planck both spoke about the essence of frequencies, vibrations and oscillations for the understanding and altering of our reality. Our concept of full
employment during the rehab. phase will engage you into elevating your thought frequency from average 1 Hz or 1 thought per second to over 2 to 3 Hz that will make you sapiedelic.
One of our most tested concepts led my fellow reasearcher and psychiatrist to work only with students & businessmen, leaving the mental hospital. He later wrote to me per mail that he stopped prescribing psychotropic medication. Prof. Andy developed a Quantum Cognitive Behavioral Therapy during his testing of the E=mQ² concept based on psychophysics of human perception.
A short conversation about you life, the environment where you live, work or educate yourself will lead Prof. Andy to assert your condition. Observations of your family areallowed to be told. With
the given states asserted Prof. Andy can determine the treatment and its duration. The entiere process should not take more than 10 minutes, psychotropic treatment is excluded..